This is a complete resource to support the teaching of mixed brass instruments and music theory to whole classes of beginners, using both treble and bass clefs. The 2 year course enables instruments in different keys to play the same piece together, with notes in the correct clef, and fingering and slide positions supplied. The video-based exercises are written to suit the range of the instrument and the ability level of the students. All the tricky technical stuff is taken care of so that you can get on and teach!

This is a complete resource to support the teaching of mixed brass instruments and music theory to whole classes of beginners, using both treble and bass clefs. The 2 year course enables instruments in different keys to play the same piece together, with notes in the correct clef, and fingering and slide positions supplied. The video-based exercises are written to suit the range of the instrument and the ability level of the students. All the tricky technical stuff is taken care of so that you can get on and teach!

The material is divided into 7 levels. The absolute beginner levels (Preparation & Level 1) are permanently free to try out in the classroom, providing about a term’s worth of material. To access the rest of the site, a membership account is needed. Single memberships cost £50 per year, and group plans are available at discounted rates. Students do not need individual logins – read more.